The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (OmU)

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2018, 18:00
Kommunales Kino Lübeck – Kino KokiMengstr. 35, 23552 Lübeck

William Wallace Day 2018 – An Edinburgh Double Bill

This Oscar-winning classic, adapting Muriel Spark‘s original novel, is set in a private allgirls school in 1930s Edinburgh, where Spark‘s headstrong, eccentric and charismatic teacher ignores the curriculum and influences her impressionable young girls with her romanticised world view and strident independence. But such openness and idealism comes at a cost, as Miss Brodie‘s young girls eventually turn against their leader. Watching Ronald Neame‘s vision of the dark and light in Scotland‘s historic capital in 2018 – the centenary of Muriel Spark‘s birth – is the “crème de la crème” indeed.

GB 1969, 116 Min., R: Ronald Neame, B: Jay Presson Allen, K: Ted Moore, D: Maggie Smith, Robert Stephens, Pamela Franklin, Gordon Jackson


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Highlights Vorschau


Di. | 19:30 | Musikhochschule – Großer Saal

Di. | 19:30 | Kulturwerft Gollan

Do. | 12:00 | Funambules

Fr. | 20:00 | Kolosseum

Sa. | 19:30 | Theater Lübeck – Großes Haus